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Reiki Principles


Just for Today...


I will not be Angry

I will not Worry

I will give thanks for my Blessings

I will do my work Honestly

I will be kind to my Neighbour and every Living thing

Mikao Usui
What is Reiki ?

Reiki originated in Japan in the early 20th century as a form of alternative healing therapy.


Reiki, a Japanese healing technique, was developed by Mikao Usui in the early 1900s and is based on the concept of channeling universal life energy to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being through a practitioner's hands to promote relaxation and balance.

The term originates from "Rei," which signifies Universal, and "Ki," representing the

Energy of Life Force.

This gentle approach includes a light touch or the practitioner's hands hovering over

the body's energy centers to balance and harmonize the body, mind, and spirit. 


​Whilst Reiki is Spiritual in nature, it is not a Religion and can be practised in alignment with your own beliefs.

chakra energy points on a pretty lady sitting down cross legged with hair flowing on the s
How can Reiki help ?

Reiki is a holistic practice believed to promote healing and well-being by balancing the body's energy flow. During a Reiki session, a practitioner channels universal life force energy through their hands to the recipient, who typically lies fully clothed on a massage table or sits comfortably. The gentle touch or hovering hands aim to stimulate the body's natural healing processes and promote relaxation, reducing stress and tension.

The effects of Reiki can vary from person to person, but commonly reported benefits include deep relaxation, emotional balance, and reduced pain or discomfort. Many practitioners and recipients describe feeling a sense of peace, clarity, and overall well-being after Reiki sessions. Some individuals find that Reiki helps them cope with emotional challenges, enhances their mindfulness, and improves their quality of sleep.

While scientific evidence supporting Reiki's efficacy is limited, anecdotal reports and some research suggest potential benefits such as immune system support and enhanced healing. However, Reiki should not be seen as a replacement for conventional medical treatment when necessary. Instead, it can complement other forms of healthcare and contribute to a holistic approach to wellness, promoting balance and harmony in body, mind, and spirit.

Benefits of Reiki

Reiki promotes good health and well-being and visibly rejuvenates your body and your energy most naturally.​

  • Release of emotional and energetic blockages

  • Assists the body in cleansing itself of toxins

  • Reduces Blood Pressure

  • Helps relieve Pain

  • Heals Past Traumas

  • Strengthens spiritual connections

  • Stress relief as many diseases result from accumulated stress

  • Improves mood, helps increase self-esteem, self-love, and confidence

  • Depression

  • Detoxification

  • Deep relaxation

  • Improved sleep

Reiki Healing
What Reiki Feels Like ?

During a Reiki session the practitioner's hand temperature may change as they are giving a Reiki treatment.  These changes range from burning hot to icy cold. Not everyone may experience sensations during the session, but Reiki remains effective regardless of whether you sense its effects.  Each person is unique, and various sensations might be encountered during a Reiki session, including:

  • Deep relaxation

  • Feeling very light and charm

  • Visual experiences with colours

  • Feeling grounded

Reiki Healing
  • Tingling sensations or vibrations

  • Variations in hand temperature (hot and cold)

  • A sensation of floating or weightlessness

What is Distance Reiki ?

Distance Reiki involves the transmission of healing energy from a practitioner to a recipient who isn't physically present, enabling healing to take place regardless of distance.

One notable advantage of distance Reiki is the opportunity for recipients to partake in the healing process from the convenience of their own homes, no matter where they are in the world.

During a distance Reiki session, practitioners often establish an energetic connection with recipients through visualization methods, intention setting, and the use of a photograph.

Distance Reiki

Schedule Your Appointment Today

Feel free to reach out if you're interested in scheduling an appointment or discussing your options further.

I'm here to help!

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